The First Step

July 14, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Beginning is so hard. At the beginning of each big journey, I find myself asking, "Where do I even begin?" That's where I found myself when I first started falling in love with photography. It was both a blessing and a curse because with anything in life, there were doubts - doubts if I could ever become good enough in the eyes of people looking at my photos, and doubts if I could ever actually meet milestones in my photography career.

Which brings me to today - it's not easy putting yourself out there to be judged. The fear of vulnerability is what keeps human beings from achieving their goals in life, and I am no exception to the rule. I have been planning on creating a website for probably over a year now, but it was the ever-so-fearful beginning that seemed too big to conquer. It took three people to get me to realize that even if you're making small steps toward your goal, that's still doing something. I had to tell myself that I couldn't do everything in one day, but if I took small steps to work toward creating my website (like researching the best place to host it, how I would sell prints through the site, and which photos to upload to the site once I created it), I could start to build up the framework. 

While building the framework, I doubted myself a lot. Most of us are full of the "am I good enough?" thoughts, and they are crippling. But, it took my inspirational sister, Jackie Riso ( for her awesome site!), attending a workshop with entrepreneur Evan Carmichael, and coming across Casey Neistat's YouTube video titled "MAXED OUT MY CREDIT CARD!!" to know that just jumping into your passion is better than sitting there overthinking, because sitting and overthinking is doing nothing. Even if you do something and suck at it for so long, you've still done something, and the universe has a way of sorting things out over time. 

So, this photography site is me doing something. Welcome to my life through a lens.


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